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90 Minutes in Heaven

On January 18th, 1989, Don Piper died in an accident. His car had been crushed by a semitruck that crossed into his lane. Medical personnel said he died instantly. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music.

Ninety minutes later, after a preacher prayed over him, Piper came back to life with an extraordinary story. He had been to heaven.

Don found himself in heaven experiencing great joy as he recognised a large crowd who stood just outside of heaven’s gate waiting for him. He saw people who had died before him and they rejoiced being together again!

“It was the greatest family reunion of all,” he states, “I had never seen, heard, or felt anything so real before.” He saw dazzling colours and sensed that age had no meaning in heaven because there’s no time in heaven.

Heaven never gets dark because God is the light.

As Don stepped closer to God, he heard music. All the songs were praises to Christ as King of Kings. “Everything was perfect,” he says. He joined the choir as he got closer to the gates, but all of the sudden he left them just as he got to the heavenly gates.

Meanwhile, the ambulance staff found no pulse in Don and his body was all mangled. Dick, a friend of Don, was in the traffic, so he got out to see what had happened. God told him to pray for Don.

Piper miraculously returned to life on earth with only the memory of inexpressible heavenly bliss. Don felt a strong, powerful hand clasping his. He was taken to the ICU room in the hospital where he had many surgeries and an Ilizarov fixed to keep his left leg together.

His faith in God was severely tested as he faced an uncertain and gruelling recovery. He was depressed and in pain. Don complained so much for not knowing anything that would happen or why he had returned to earth. When he got tired of watching t.v he decided to listen to a song called “Praise the Lord,” and that’s when his depression vanished. The next morning he was determined to keep on living and realised that God had a purpose for him in coming back to earth.

He shares his life-changing story with the readers. Not only is heaven is a real place, but God desires to have a personal relationship with each of us. Also, that He is still in the business of miracles.

Don Piper is minister of education and single adults at the First Baptist Church in Pasadena, Texas. He has appeared on Christian television and radio programs, writes a weekly newspaper column, and leads conferences and retreats in the United States and abroad.

90 Minutes in Heaven offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of the reality of God and heaven. It encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. The experience dramatically changed Piper’s life, and it will change yours too.

A lovely book for people who are dealing with grief or facing the death of self or a loved one. Comforting.

Rating: 7/10

By Christ & Co. 

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