Written by 4:31 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – July 11

Trust God. Hard. Lean NOT on your own understanding. Harder.

Because life taught us to be so self sufficient, we get out of jams using our manmade ways rather than God’s way. Only God’s way would heal us and others.

Use common sense too to make good decisions, but don’t let that be your driving force.

Never let logic talk you out of what God put in your heart.

Don’t short circuit your tests in life and call it God’s way. Let God help you and yours out of jams, HIS way.

Else you will lean all your life on your crutches – religion, influence, money, surrounding, distance – anything that gets you out of really dealing with it.

Turn to God for guidance daily. And don’t give Him tips on how to run your life.

#JesusMakesMyDecisions #HonourGodFirst

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