Written by 5:37 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Aug 21

Today can be the beginning of your new story.

All of us have pain, brokenness from the past, bends in the road which we wish we had not taken. And concerns about how those would affect our future.

But neither of those two – past or future – matter. TODAY matters.

Where you are today and what you can do about it today, matters.

Begin with getting right with God. No more baggage – hurt, unforgiving attitudes, kinks in character, bad habits, toxic behaviours, ungodly ties and negative traits – all those need to go.

At some point in our lives, even the most successful ones among us feel like we’ve missed our chance or messed up. We may even think that we’ve disqualified ourselves from having a great future…that our best days are behind us.

Lest you forget – we serve an awesome God – the CREATOR of the universe is working behind the scenes to perfect the mosaic of your life. Where we see failures and dead ends, God sees new potential, growth, healing and testimonies. While we stumble, God is already planning our comeback.

Today, dream again, in HIS strength. Go learn that skill, get back to college, reconcile with people, make up for past mistakes and dust out those rusted old dreams, passions and skills. Ignore the naysayers. Make sure the ending of your story is really good.

Remember – with God, it’s never too late.

My JESUS makes all things new.

#GodsChild #DreamBigWithJesus

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