Written by 4:57 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Sept 25

All of us have been mad at God. Some of us – at all time and some of us – at certain times.

We may have had something bad happen to us. Failures, shock from trusted people, sickness, death, crisis.

We just cannot figure out why GOD didn’t stop it.

So we get mad at God. Unbelievers just don’t believe in God. But we who call ourselves believers put God to shame when we just don’t believe that He is good – and that He is working ALL things for our good, even when we blame Him, turn ourselves against Him and reject Him. We think we don’t deserve all that pain. We actually deserve more, but God never beats us down when we try to get up. HE is the only one who lifts us up, again and again.

We live in a fallen world. We cannot expect fairness from a world that crucified God’s own Son. He cannot help us unless we are in His team, working with Him. Not against.

And Jesus never never never leaves you.

Its you who’s moving away in rebellion – joining with satan’s evil agenda.

Recognise the enemy. Its satan who causes pain, death, strife, sickness. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)

Jesus died for you. HE is on your side.

It does not make sense to face a tragedy alone.

Don’t hit out and be mad at the ONE person who can actually help you – JESUS.

#ChildOfGod #WarriorForJesus

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