Written by 7:53 am Desserts, Two to Mango


One of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s favourite childhood desserts was a sweet, creamy, fruity gelatin pudding.

We are honoured to share his mother’s recipe.

According to his mother, Alberta Williams King, ‘Quilly’ was the name the children had given this dessert of hers. Mrs. King Sr. speculated that they named it that because it was garnished with spikes of thin sugar wafers.”

Soak 1 tablespoon gelatin in ¼ cup cold water for 5 minutes. Dissolve in ¼ cup boiling water. 2. Add 1 cup sugar.

When the mixture is cool, add 1 pint of heavy cream whipped, chopped almonds, stale macaroon crumbles, 1 dozen marshmallows and 1 can of fruit salad.

Flavour with vanilla or rum extract. Pour into a quart mold or bundt pan which has been rinsed in cold water.

At serving time decorate with sugar wafers.

Christ & Co. 

(Picture Courtesy: Dr. Frederick Douglass Opie)

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