Written by 3:25 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – July 22

When you KNOW that GOD has His eye on you always, you should be fine.

JESUS IS aware of everything that you are going through and every giant that you are facing right now. The world might judge your past or pester you about your future, GOD doesn’t.

Even if its all messed up right now, Jesus is with you, just waiting for you to reach out to Him, so He can help you. And, how can you NOT love Jesus back – the God who loves you and pursues you even in the midst of your biggest mess?

There is a difference between saying ‘God loves me’ and teaching it and experiencing it. Please experience the greatest love of all – JESUS. Then things begin to heal right here, right now.

Just take a deep breath, look around and see – life isn’t so bad after all.

Give God what’s long due – your undivided love. All is well.

#LetGodBeGod #AppleOfGodsEyes

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