Written by 9:46 am Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Sept 23

When you have a fall out with people, often three things happen.

First, they forget all the good in you. Second, they forget all the good memories that you shared. Third, they forget that the same GOD created you and them and that HE is hurt when they cut you up, throw you out and then mudsling you.

There is nothing much more painful than losing a person – not because of death, but because of satan’s play. All of us have been wounded, rejected, bitched about or thrown out like we never mattered – by someone we trusted blindly.

If you were at the receiving end, bless, thank God and move on, blessing them daily and praying for them. THAT brings a lot of healing. But please do not be at the giving end. Hell might have a special place for people who walk over other’s lives and hearts and then use and throw them out. You definitely do not want to go there. When anything that threatens your Christlike love for people comes in, recognise immediately that cheap shot of the enemy and make a decision to be the ONE person who fights hatred of any kind. Humans look at external appearances but God looks at the heart.

If you let that evil first thought take root, it will stay forever. It can be an offense, a slight – prejudice, communalism, racism, gender bias, elitism – none of these are from GOD. You fall when you let offences take root. Then soon you will have more people to sow into your offense against someone, a church, a family, a community or even a country.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot (Matthew 5:13)

YOU can control you. Better do it well. Then teach your children to do the same.

The world needs those sunshine people in every corner desperately.

#LivingChristlike #GodsPeople

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