Written by 10:27 am Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Sept 30

To those of us who are living with regrets; be assured there is no mess so messy that JESUS cant pull you out of it. And easy peasy too.

We serve a supernatural Lord who is also the Shepherd of His flock. And we, His sheep, live dangerously on the edge.

We jump into muddy ditches. We take our eyes and ears off the Shepherd. Or run to the edge of cliffs. We get lost from the herd. We run ahead of the Shepherd. Or stray into areas wolves’ territories. Or worse still, fall and injure ourselves.

Jesus knows. He hears our cries. He responds and He heals.

Only the wounded, messed up sheep know. Because we reach out to our only solace any time trouble hits. We mess up again and again and He still holds us closer.

So the next time you feel broken and dirty or messed up, look for Him.

Run to the Shepherd. He in fact, has already been waiting for you.

Jesus alone heals. And soothes and mends you so well that may be you look and feel even better than before.

And then your scars can be worn with grace.

#JesusHeals #TheLordIsMyShepherd

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