Written by 1:17 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Oct 7

When Jesus looks at you, He sees you exactly as you are. Loved, wanted, cherished and worth dying for. He sees us and accepts us, warts and all.

What He sees is more than what your parents, spouse or friends see – He knows us inside out.

With Jesus, you do not have to wear masks. Today, ask yourself what are the lies you have believed and still believe about yourself. And then ask the Lord what is the truth. Believe what HE says, not the devil, not the world and not even people. He knows you best.

Read the Word. Read His love letters to you. Seek the Holy Spirit. Speak to Him. Let Him nourish and nurture you.

Life is in the process of shaping us. When we give that right to the Master Artist – JESUS – He will chip off all that is worldly, sad, wrong and perfect us into His image and likeness. Be willing, be obedient.

One day, what will remain will truly be Christ in us, the hope of glory.

#NoOnesLovesUsLikeJesus #JesusGirl

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