Written by 2:49 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 3

Every thought that comes to you, may not be really from you. It can be from God, people or the enemy.

We receive thoughts in the spirit level and then record them in our soul – mind and emotions – even long term.

Be alert and realise that an invisible enemy from an invisible kingdom or a visible enemy, can plant a negative thought, repeat it in first person to your mind over and over, so you eventually may agree and think its your own. Do not consider those thoughts or even feel guilty for the lies that the enemy is trying to repeat to you, to make them yours.

Those repeated evil thoughts can ultimately cause trauma, sin or disease. The world might call it a mind problem and even give prescription drugs to people to get them into an altered state of consciousness.

You and I need to know that negative thoughts will come, as long as we are alive. We are not immune to influences in the spirit world that wants us to listen to their lies. That is why we need to acquire the Mind of Christ – by delving deep into the Word. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5)

Six times of dwelling on something can perennially harm you by saving it in your long term memory, apparently. Yet, many of us carry years’ worth of negative baggage that satan rewinds and replays. Your beautiful mind that GOD created should not be satan’s garbage bin.

Pray about everything, reject anything ungodly or evil, seek Jesus more, worship Him more and obey His Word at any cost. We need to know the Word so well that we can discern immediately what is true, just and noble. That means, embracing the Word as the ultimate truth, thinking like Jesus thinks, embracing His ways and His nature.

God wants to train you in your spirit, with His Holy Spirit and the Word. The enemy wants you walking through misery and to live in a hell that you really don’t even want to visit.

Pick wisely.

You are best friends with Jesus. Never alone. Reflect Him.

#ManageYourThoughts #ThinkingLikeJesus

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