Written by 3:30 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 17

There is something wrong with our spirituality if each time we read the Word of God, we apply it as a correction only to SOMEONE ELSE rather than to ourselves.

Should we read the Bible just for our own sake? In a way, no. We read the Bible not only for ourselves, not merely that we might get along better in life, but that we might, soaking in the glory of Jesus, love, think and behave more like Jesus did. The aim is not isolation from others – but rather, that we learn to live godly – blessing also the people who God brings into our lives daily.

The Bible emphasises on considering others as more important than self. Judging others can lead to a sense of self-righteousness – a sin. Your Bible-reading should help you grow closer to God and become a better person, not one who constantly, or secretly condemns others. Regularly examining your own conscience, repenting and seeking God’s grace can lead to genuine spiritual growth. NOT checking how badly the others have fallen. 

In Matthew 7:1, Jesus says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 

The first reason to read the Bible is to seek Him — And then, gladly united to Jesus,  soak in His Word. Then put the Bible down, but carry it in our souls, look at the world before us and go on take His love to people.

Don’t just read the Bible to talk the talk, read it to walk the walk.

You change with Jesus’ help. Pray for people – it’s God’s duty to work on them. Your duty is just to love them.

Show ME Your ways, O LORD, teach ME Your paths; guide ME in Your truth and teach ME, for You are God my Saviour, and MY hope is in You all day long…

#BeingChristlike #JesusGirl #Lent

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