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A Better Way to Pray

After nearly four decades of ministry, author Pastor Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life is much different than it was thirty years ago and the results have dramatically improved!

First, we need to recognise that God isn’t angry at mankind anymore. He is no longer imputing or holding our sins against us. (God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation – 2 Corinthians 5:19)

We are NOW reconciled to God through Jesus. The war between God and man is over.  God isn’t angry. His mercy extends to all people. He loves the world— not just the church— but the whole world.

In the Old Testament, God’s judgment was poured out on both individuals and nations. In the New Testament, God’s judgment was poured out on Jesus. That is the nearly-too-good-to-be-true news of the Gospel.

Jesus changed everything.

He paid for all sin. (And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world – 1 John 2:2)

We no longer get what we deserve; we get what Jesus paid the price for, if we will only believe.

And that is the gist of the teaching this precious book offers.

You may be asking many of the same questions Andrew once did. Is prayer my Christian duty? Is prayer primarily about asking God to meet my needs and the needs of others? Is God’s answer to my prayer based on the degree of my humility and sincerity? Is answered prayer a sovereign decision of God or do I have the ability to influence Him?

Clear, scriptural answers to these questions and more could significantly change the way you pray. These principles may not be the only way to pray, but if you’re not getting the results you desire, consider changing directions; maybe there is A Better Way to Pray.

Rating: 8/10
By Christ & Co. 

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