Written by 6:16 am What we reviewed

A Faithful Sower

A Faithful Sower (AFS) is a relatively new online Christian resource for anyone seeking to learn more about God’s Word.

AFS aims to proclaim God’s Word and spread the good news of Jesus Christ through podcasts, articles, and devotions to faithfully sow the Great Commission given to those who follow Jesus Christ, which is to, “Go into the all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

I found AFS’s proclamation to be directly supported within all of its online products.

The site has an aggregate following of nearly 700 people, and it has reached readers in more than 28 countries.

The website is visually appealing and easy to use, and products load quickly without bothersome advertisements. Resource links and archival presentations are also effortless to locate and load.

There is an opt-in email option for new content in addition to opportunities for following and commenting on social media.

It is a non-profit site that is solely supported by its founder and publisher, Darryl Orrell, M.A.J., with an impressive supporting team of writers and editors who have developed a diverse learning and thought-provoking biblical message of faith for its readers.

AFS expresses their devout commitment to proclaiming the one living and true God through God the Father, the deity of God the Son, and God the fully divine Holy Spirit. That provides a clear statement of AFS’s intent and leaves no question about what to expect in their content.

I enjoyed exploring the diversity of topics and mediums, its relevance to current events, its biblical basis and teachings, and its consistent and compelling message of love through Jesus Christ.

AFS, on the whole, is a very reputable online resource for those seeking Jesus and Biblical truths; it helps you to connect with others who are like-minded.

Rating: 9/10

By James Meehan

James Meehan is a retired US Veteran and a follower of the way of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. He has a passion for God’s Word and a refreshing inquisitive nature that likes to probe the depths of theology. He also enjoys exploring the wonders of our Lord’s creative handiwork through nature and through beautiful landscapes that remain unscarred by man’s hands.

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