Written by 3:31 pm Amazine

A Letter to God

If I wrote a letter to God today, it would read like this…

I am grateful for every moment of my life

In a world where there is murder, rape and violence, you keep me safe

In a world where people die of disease and starvation, you give me good health and food

In a world where thousands are unemployed, you give me work to do everyday

In a world where people are born handicapped, you have given me intelligence and a sound body

In a world where people are isolated, you have given me friends and family

In a world where there is arson and looting, you keep my loved ones safe

In a world where people are orphaned, where war ravages the land, you have shown me plenitude

In a world that is shaken by tremors and swallowed by tsunamis, you have held me in your arms

In a world of cheats and liars and tricksters, you have not let me lose my integrity

In a world of anger and hatred, violence and deception, I learned love and generosity

In a world where death cheats our dreams, I gave birth to life

In a world where there is ignorance, you gave me wisdom

In the darkest hours, you were my light

In the toughest trials, you stood by my side

In a world of despair, you taught me hope

In this world of turmoil, you gave me peace

In this world of tears, you still give me reasons to smile

I may not have everything, but I have enough

I have much to be thankful for

I am grateful for every moment of my life

By Asha Alexander

Asha Alexander is an educator with 34 years’ experience and presently the Principal and CEO of the GEMS Legacy School and Executive Leader of Climate Change at GEMS Education. An avid thinker, writer and climate change activist, she is also a mother to her twin children and their spouses. Asha is a change management leader, having effectively transitioned her present school GEMS Legacy School to a digital curriculum in 2011.

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