Written by 4:40 pm Spiritual Warfare

A prayer for relationships

Heavenly Father,

I declare that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is fighting for me and ______ so that we live together operating as one.

Let the challenges of life push us forward into total dependence on You to remain together.

I struggle in my relationship with ______. I need You to give me wisdom on how to love ____ well. You are my shield and defender. Show me how, when and where to erect healthy boundaries in our relationship.

I believe You are my healer and I trust You to guard my heart and mind. I need Your specific directions on how to interact with ______.

I trust that taking up our cross and laying down our lives for each other will lead to an amazing life of love together. We are one. Teach us to think as one, not selfishly or independently. With Your moment-by-moment leadership, we will finish the race together.

I want to love _____ with a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. (1 Timothy 1:5)

I forgive ______ for hurting me. Help me to love ______ courageously. Fill me with Your truth and compel me to fearlessly tell the truth with love. Let Your perfect love cast out all of my fears related to our relationship.

Lord God, we surrender what we think our relationship should be like. We pray that we both will become radically holy. We pray that we both will remain sexually pure. We pray that we will base our holiness and purity on God.

Please transform our relationship so that it honours You.

Grant us Your wisdom when addressing difficult subjects. Let us see and hear the other’s heart with the spiritual wisdom that You freely give. Teach us to speak truth to each other in love.

As we navigate these days together, let our words and actions toward the other be compassionate, humble, patient, gentle, and kind.

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to be peacemakers in our home. Help me have a peaceful relationship with those in his/her family I am struggling with. Also, help us to build bridges between others who are not at peace with us both. Equip us for this task because we cannot do it without You. May You receive all the glory for this.

I pray Father God, that we both will get caught up in the conflagration of Your amazing love for us, a love that changes everything. May Your Holy Spirit guide us and be with us during every step that our relationship takes.

Thank You, Jesus.

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