Written by 3:10 pm Spiritual Warfare

An intercessory prayer

Abba Father, I acknowledge You as _______’s provider. Thank You for providing all ______ needs to live in peace and harmony with me and others.

Your Word is alive and a gift of healing to ______. I invite You to fill _____’s life with It. Let It be a salve to _____’s wounds. Use it to set ______ free from the snare of the enemy.

Jesus,  You are the Good Shepherd. Please rescue _______ from paths of destruction.

You are the Wonderful Counsellor. Break down the walls in _____’s heart and mind with Your battering ram of revelation. Give ____ spiritual wisdom and insight to know You. Flood ______’s heart with Your light.

Where _____ has endured shame, pour double portions of honour into _____’s life.

Your Holy Spirit intercedes for _____ 24/7.

Use me to do the same and raise up an army of intercessors on _______’s behalf. Let heaven and earth work in tandem to deliver ____ from evil.

Make _____ ready to hear me and others speak Your truth in love. Help ____ to experience Your love and Your presence.

You are the One who can enable _____ to hunger for Your Word and obey Your commands. Let that be so for ________.

With faith in Jesus, I pray.


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