Written by 7:39 am Desserts

Apple & Roasted Almond Cake

We love surprises – of the nice kind – when we are baking. Some of our favourites have been unexpected creations.

This treasure was created out of a bundle of sweet Fiji apples, a cluster of caramel chips and roasted almonds!

With chunks of caramel and tart n sweet Fiji apples nestled in a soft and buttery cake, this Apple & Roast Almond Cake is the essence of simplicity. A winter must-bake.

With chunks of caramel, roasted nuts and tart n sweet Fiji apples nestled in a soft and buttery cake, this Apple & Roast Almond Cake is the essence of simplicity.

Cream 500gm butter with 2 and a half cups sugar.

Add 3 eggs. Whisk well. Add 1 tsp vanilla essence, a tsp of crushed cinnamon + all spice (or cloves if you don’t have all spice berries) a pinch of salt, 3 cups flour, 3 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp baking soda. Mix well.

Add 3 cups unsweetened apple sauce (made out of 6 apples, cored, cut and crushed)

Add a handful of caramel chips and 1 cup roasted, skinned almonds. Mix the batter well.

Pour batter into a greased baking dish, top with few more almonds and bake for 45 mins – 1 hour, at 200 degrees.

This cake browns fast, so monitor the temperature closely.

Cut into slices and serve with hot tea or coffee – a great monsoon or winter combo!

By Christ & Co.

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