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Camel skips Nativity play

Police officers and animal control spent all of Sunday trying to wrangle a runaway camel, which made its escape Saturday night, the Bonner Spring Police Department said.

The camel was part of a live drive-thru Nativity display at the National Agricultural Center and Hall of Fame. The animal managed to evade police for 24 hours after performing at the drive-thru play.

At one point, the camel ran around a golf course, sparking a golf-cart pursuit in which officers “learned camels can run 40 mph,” the police department said.

By the time the wandering camel was caught, it was even spotted going for a stroll in the K7 highway. It also visited some neighbours in the area.

Police officers described it as a ‘scene from another cop movie’.

ACO Anthony bailed out of her vehicle and went in foot pursuit. After the officer caught up to the camel with her vehicle and finally chased it down on foot, the camel  “was safely ‘taken into custody’ by lasso!” police said on Facebook. “Why is lassoing not taught in schools!”

“The camel was reunited with its owners and will go back to doing camel things,” police said in another Facebook post.

(Agencies; Picture Courtesy: Bonner Springs Police)

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