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Justin Trudeau resigns

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that he will resign as party leader and PM, but will stay on as the PM until the Liberal Party chooses a new leader.

Canada’s 23rd prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party for over a decade, Trudeau announced his resignation on Monday, marking the end of a tenure that spanned nearly nine years in office. In a packed press conference in Ottawa, the 53-year-old leader reflected on his achievements, challenges, and a singular regret that he said continues to weigh on him as the country approaches its next general election this year.

“If I have one regret, particularly as we approach this election – well, probably many regrets that I will think of. But I do wish we’d been able to change the way we elect our governments in this country so that people could simply choose a second choice, or a third choice on the same ballot,” Trudeau said.

Trudeau’s resignation comes as the Liberal Party grapples with sinking poll numbers, internal discord, and a resurgent Conservative opposition led by Pierre Poilievre.

On Trudeau’s request, Governor General Mary Simon agreed to prorogue Parliament until March 24. This will give the Liberal Party time to hold a shortened leadership contest.

From New Delhi’s perspective, Trudeau’s time was up and the assessment, going by opinion polls, was that he would have possibly lost the elections after being in office for 10 years — he became the Liberal Party’s leader in 2013 and PM in 2015.

While the leadership race is open ahead of the Canadian elections which should be held by June this year, some have already thrown their hat in the ring including former Canada Bank Governor Mark Carney and former Dy PM and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, Transportation Minister Anita Anand and Finance Minister Dominic LeBlanc are also possible contenders.

According to polls, Liberals are widely expected to lose after 10 years in office, and Conservatives led by Pierre Poilievre are expected to come to power.


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