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Why choose home food?

Humans started cooking 1 million years ago and we never stopped. Why don’t you cook? Maybe you have plenty of…

4 years ago

Get the best out of your iPhone

Many people have iPhones these days, but few really know the secrets to mastering it. You aren't the only one…

4 years ago

How to perform well on stage

You’ve formed a band and you have your first performance – it’s exciting, right? While this may be true, a…

4 years ago

Best wedding entertainment

So the church is booked, you have ordered the dress and the big day is on the calendar! What next?…

4 years ago

How to recycle electronic waste

With new models of phones and computers being released every year, wanting the latest and greatest is never a bad…

4 years ago

Dealing with period cramps

Menstruation is a normal monthly process, but extreme pain during periods that disrupt your daily routine - requires help. Many…

4 years ago

World’s 30 distinctive churches

Works of art as well as places of worship. One can't help but be awed by the unique beauty of…

4 years ago

Plan a home vegetable garden

Life in the fast lane does not allow us time enough to appreciate the simple joys in life. We all…

4 years ago

Skin care to reduce wrinkles

What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear the word “wrinkles”? For some, it might be…

4 years ago

7 rules to get rid of stress

As the new year began, you may have been feeling a little overcommitted. Going back to work after the holidays,…

4 years ago

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