Editor’s Notes

Christ & Co. Editor’s diary about everything current or otherwise. Personal, up close editorials; nobody else has been employed to insert our errant colons or commas.

English, Manglish and Hinglish

Editor’s Notes • 3 Comments

I came to the UAE after living, studying and working in South Yorkshire for years. Yorkshire lingo is a class apart from proper British...

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Freedom, empowerment etc.

Editor’s Notes • One Comment

Say freedom and you picture unfurling flags and chest-thumping patriots screaming slogans. To me, an average citizen, freedom means to be...

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Beating the gym blues

Editor’s Notes, Trending • One Comment

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To be examined or not to be

Editor’s Notes, Trending

I have never been a fan of any kind of CATs (neither the written nor the four-legged kind) The CBSE, ICSE, State Board, CMAT, CET, GMAT,...

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Nine months and waiting

Editor’s Notes, Trending • 2 Comments

Married – Battalion led by mother, grandmother and older aunts reminds you about the biological clock that is ticking away and their...

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Aren’t we equal before God?

Editor’s Notes

It has often been said, derisively of course, that America was built on slavery and that the White Man who appropriated the land from the...

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Christ & Co.

Editor’s Notes, Trending

Christ first. Then his associates. That’s who we stand for. Anyone who wants to enjoy the company of Jesus is welcome here. Our Lord...

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