In the News

We write about what we care about – the little and not so little things happening in and around our world. You’ll get your weekly dose of quirkies too. Do you have an amazing story or picture to contribute? Email: [email protected]

Covid positive woman gives birth in ambulance

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Paramedical staff of emergency service 108 helped a woman deliver her baby in an ambulance in India’s southern state, Kerala. The...

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Christians killed in Indonesia

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Four Salvation Army members were killed – one of them beheaded – in an ambush on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island. The killers...

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Jesus’ boyhood home found

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A United Kingdom archaeologist says the remains of a first-century house in Nazareth, Israel, could have been the home of Joseph, Mary and...

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Tweets to ‘burn priests alive’

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A hashtag calling for Catholic priests to be burned alive has been allowed to spread across social media in Spain, despite the country...

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Two stabbed to death at church

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A man has been arrested in connection with the fatal stabbings of two people and the wounding of three others at a church in Silicon Valley...

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Man who stole from pope dies

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Paolo Gabriele, the Vatican butler who was convicted of stealing and leaking Pope Benedict XVI’s private papers in 2012, has died aged...

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