In the News

We write about what we care about – the little and not so little things happening in and around our world. You’ll get your weekly dose of quirkies too. Do you have an amazing story or picture to contribute? Email: [email protected]

Priests survive Beirut blast

In the News, Trending

The parish priest of St Maron AL-Bushriya Church in Lebanon, Fr Marwan Mouawad, recounts the moment a massive blast hit Beirut. Fr Marwan...

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Fly high, with aeromodelling

In the News

Interested to pursue a hobby that is a century old, during this lockdown? It is so challenging and fun that hardly anyone who takes it up,...

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Lost your job? Need a change?

In the News

If you’ve been feeling unsatisfied in your career or have lost a job, you’re not alone. A significant number of people seek to change...

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