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Spiritual Warfare

Power verses for warfare

Whether you are feeling spiritually, mentally, or physically weak at the moment, we hope these Bible verses will help you…

4 years ago

Warrior’s Armour of God Prayer

Heavenly Father, Your warriors prepare for battle today - to guard our lives against attack. Today we claim victory over…

4 years ago

New Year Prayer 2024

Precious Abba Father, Thank You that You make all things new. Thank You for all that You've allowed into our…

4 years ago

Sinner’s prayer

Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, that You died on the cross to rescue me from sin…

4 years ago

12 days of Christmas prayers

Lord and Giver of all good things, The Magi travelled for miles to bring the Christ child the first Christmas…

4 years ago

Prayer during a pandemic

Lord our Heavenly Father, May we who are merely inconvenienced, remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who…

4 years ago

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Precious Abba Father, You have given us so much. Today we pray that You will give us the gift of…

4 years ago

Prayer to Christ the King

Almighty and merciful God, You break the power of evil and make all things new in your Son Jesus Christ,…

4 years ago

A prayer for all the men

Heavenly Father, we thank You today for the men in our lives – our fathers, grandfathers, husbands, sons, brothers, cousins,…

4 years ago

Prayer for all children

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You our children. They are our most precious gifts from You and we need…

4 years ago

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