23 March 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
16 March 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
There is something wrong with our spirituality if each time we read the Word of God, we apply it as a correction only to SOMEONE ELSE...
9 March 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
People think that a big sin or a big deviation from our normal Christian walk will bring our spiritual journey to an end. May be, in some...
2 March 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
23 February 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
When you have a disagreement with someone, fight the spirit of strife behind the scene, do NOT fight with the person. With spiritual...
16 February 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
The best relationships are the ones in which you can and should have difficult conversations. And you can know how mature a person is when...
10 February 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
3 February 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
How easily we get upset over anything – is a sure sign of spiritual/emotional maturity. Jesus saw misery all around Him and He taught...
26 January 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
You serve God to the best of your ability, you live an honest life and you try to be at peace with the world. Yet all the blessings you...
19 January 2025• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare