Monday Reflections

Monday Reflection – June 17

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Let nothing temporal affect your relationship with GOD. Earthy things should not challenge your eternity. Your doctrine should not be...

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Monday Reflection – June 10

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

It’s easy to quote scripture, repeat christian sayings and to pray – when things are going right. Then life throws you a...

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Monday Reflection – May 27

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Do not let life, people or situations stick labels on you or your situation. You are never beyond JESUS’s reach. Your situation is...

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Monday Reflection – May 20

Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

It pays to have a heart check up done – an in-depth look at your inner mind, not just a routine physical examination. Often, many of...

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