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The most popular stories on our site this week. The most clicked, shared or talked about.

Healing Verses

By His Word, God heals and delivers His people from every kind of destruction. If you need healing today, go deeply…

6 months ago

Prayer for Ukraine

Heavenly Father, We surrender the crisis in Ukraine into Your Hands. As war continues in Ukraine, we ask for Your…

3 years ago

Celebrity parenting brouhaha

When you hear bad news about someone you know – what do you feel first? Shock, genuine concern, pain, or…

3 years ago

Flooded by floods in Kerala

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give…

3 years ago

Wall of Testimonies

Jesus, thank YOU. Thank You, Lord Jesus for Your healing touch on my mother; she is recovering well. Thank You,…

3 years ago

World’s 30 distinctive churches

Works of art as well as places of worship. One can't help but be awed by the unique beauty of…

4 years ago

Butter Chicken

Chunks of grilled chicken cooked in a smooth, creamy, tomato-based gravy. When you have unexpected guests or if you want…

4 years ago

Homemade Granola Bars

Simple flavours, wholesome ingredients and lots of crunch. A healthy snack and these keep you full for hours! The next…

4 years ago

Priests survive Beirut blast

The parish priest of St Maron AL-Bushriya Church in Lebanon, Fr Marwan Mouawad, recounts the moment a massive blast hit…

4 years ago

Today, we pray for the people of Lebanon

Lord Jesus, by Your Spirit, bring reconciliation, bring peace to Lebanon, bring life. Rescue those who have been hurt and…

4 years ago

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