Written by 7:27 am Desserts

Parippu Pradhaman

Onam is here and it is the best time to share another masterpiece – this recipe. It is easy to make and banana leaf licking good! You can cook it easily like a pro and get some well-deserved compliments.

Dry roast 1/2 kg cherupayar paripp (Moong Dal) – not too much, just lightly. When cooled, wash well and then cook well in a pressure cooker adding 1 tbs ghee and 4 glasses water, until you hear 2 whistles.

Melt 1/2 kg jaggery. Add to the payar mix. Add coconut milk from 1 coconut. Stir well. Cook 100 gm sago and add to the mix. Boil well. Fry coconut shavings, black raisins and cashews in ghee and add to the pan, including ghee. Stir well.

Add thick milk from 1 coconut. Add spice mix (dry ginger + cumin + cardamom) – 1 and a half tsp. Stir well. Add a pinch of salt and remove from the fire.

Serve ladlefuls!

By Annie Joseph Kavalackal

Homemaker par excellence Annie is a loving wife, mum to a son and two daughters (one by birth and one more by law) and a besotted grandmother to a doting grandson and an adorable granddaughter. A nurse by profession, she ran one of the best daycare facilities in the UAE in the 90s and cookery classes from home. For more of her traditional and modern recipes, follow https://www.facebook.com/Two-to-Mango-1624082267920574/

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