Written by 3:20 pm Soups, Salads

Chicken & Vegetable Soup

Whether it’s the flu season or no, there is nothing like a bowl of chicken soup to nourish you. This broth combines the goodness of vegetables with the flavour of chicken.

In a small pot, boil 5 cups of water with 2 chopped onions, 4-5 pieces of chicken with bones tied into a tight bundle in a small piece of clean cloth (just like a bouquet garni but with just chicken pieces), 3 small carrots, sliced, 2 tsp black pepper, salt and 3 large tomatoes, chopped.

Remove the bones and save the chicken; shred it into small pieces. Set aside.

Liquidise the vegetables into a thick broth. Pour the cooked broth into a large soup pot. Add the shredded chicken pieces.

Season with fresh parsley, crushed peppercorns and salt.

Cook for 7 minutes more, stirring well. Serve hot with crusty bread.

By Christ & Co

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