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How do you we live Extraordinarily? By building faith through reading His Word and allowing the Word to transform our minds and more importantly, getting it “deep within our heart.”

Best-selling author John Bevere reveals how all of us were “meant for more,” extraordinarily created and intended for a life that is anything but ordinary.

Why are we drawn to stories of heroic triumph over seemingly impossible circumstances? In our fascination with adventure movies, superheroes, and tales of incredible human feats, do we reveal an inherent desire for something larger and greater in life?

Maybe what we think is a need to escape or be entertained is actually a God inspired longing…for the extraordinary.

Marked by boldness and passion, John Bevere delivers uncompromising truth through his award-winning curriculums and bestselling books, now in more than 60 languages, including “The Bait of Satan,” “Drawing Near” and “Driven by Eternity.” He is an international speaker and co-host of “The Messenger” TV program broadcast worldwide. John enjoys living in Colorado Springs with his wife, Lisa, also a best-selling author and speaker, and their four sons.

In this book, Bevere biblically points out that God not only put that there but he made us to be extraordinary! He doesn’t put a desire in us without giving us the capabilities to be it.

Bevere writes like he speaks. He uses Scripture to support all of his assertions and then illustrates them with examples from his own or others lives. This book is a roadmap for your journey of transformation. You are marked for a life that far surpasses the usual definitions of success or fulfilment.

Isn’t it true that we long to see the extraordinary, experience the extraordinary, do the extraordinary? Yet, so often we settle for mediocrity when greatness is within our grasp. Isn’t it time to pursue your extraordinary life?

This book is about that need God has placed in our hearts to be extraordinary.

Rating: 8/1 0 

By Christ & Co. 

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