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Divine Reflections

Go beyond the box of caring

I feel the love of God wanting so much to break through in our understandings, to go beyond, break through the everyday box of what we think of perhaps as Christianity.

To be filled with the Holy Spirit and filled with His love and then pour out into lives that very life of Jesus Christ that is a river.  That goes out of the way to go to people that they would know that He cares.

I think of missions trips and they are wonderful. And caring for people at home, it is wonderful. But I think of us that are taking the trips or visiting others, perhaps without us even realising it that we need to arm ourselves with the mind that is in our Lord to think of people more highly than we do even of ourselves.

To see outreach locally, or in missions, not as the form, but as the life of God through Jesus being extended in love to others to let them know their lives are so important.

Up close and personal.

We are just vessels to take Jesus Christ to everyone. To show them the love of Jesus Christ in us for them. To be vessels to express His love to them.

To get down and get dirty. And by that I mean to get down among the people, find ways to get into the lives of others. To become a part of other’s lives.

If we get too religious to understand that our Christian walk is about getting down and getting dirty in the lives of others, then we are not letting Christ’s life really go out to others. That is what our lives are all about. That others might know Jesus and taking Jesus to others.  What He has given to us to give in return to others.

Have we been set free? To see others get free in His Name.

Have we found Love like we never knew existed? In Jesus. To give to others who do not know this Love of Jesus, the Love of God.

That Love of our Lord, Him, loving us in such a way it is so wonderful and He cares about us and will never leave us or forsake us.

The gramma, the criminal, the child, the neglected, those with lack of social grace or skills. The homeless, the neighbour. The unfriendly person, the sad person, the rejected person.  Everybody.

The person who is involved in things that we don’t think of. Those doing what we don’t want them to do.

To pray for them. To get on another’s level, to sit down. Their lives wiped with the love and compassion of Christ in us.

This is truly a happy day! To love others as our self because Jesus first loved us.

To have that opportunity still, today is a happy day!

By Kathy Angell

Kathy lives in Portland, OR with her husband of 43 years, Gordon.  They serve through Cranberry House, in the Coffee Pot Christian Outreach and Potter’s Wheel.  They focus on feeding and clothing folks on the street or in need and prepare and serve about 100 meals at Freedom Foursquare Church, every Sunday. Her joy lies is praising God for the wonderful walk He has given, through His precious Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
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