Written by 4:23 pm Divine Reflections

Go with Jesus in 2025

The Sunday following my Dad’s death in 1968 at age 62, I preached a sermon…”There is no disappointment in Jesus”.

The pastor of First Baptist Church in my hometown of Altus, Ok. had asked me to preach for him. In the sorrow of Dad’s ‘Home-Going’ I shared this message from my heart. My precious Mother sat in the congregation that morning as she had so faithfully done all of her life….and continued to do after Dad’s death.

Later I preached the same message in each of the churches I pastored, using the title “If I had only one sermon to preach”.


James Proctor wrote in 1918:
“I’ve tried in vain a thousand ways
My fears to quell, my hopes to raise;
But what I need, the Bible says,
Is ever, only Jesus.

My soul is night, my heart is steel—
I cannot see, I cannot feel;
For light, for life I must appeal
In simple faith to Jesus.

He died, He lives, He reigns, He pleads;
There’s love in all His words and deeds;
There’s all a guilty sinner needs
Forevermore in Jesus.

Though some should sneer, and some should blame,
I’ll go with all my guilt and shame;
I’ll go to Him because His name,
Above all names, is Jesus.”

Therefore, back to the old life I cannot go for I have experienced Jesus! We need to know that Jesus is sufficient for our insufficiencies! Satisfaction is guaranteed, but so is sacrifice!

~His grace is sufficient for our sins
~His strength is perfect in our weaknesses.
~His peace can replace our fears.
~His comfort can give us comfort, no matter ‘what’ life throws at us!
~He is our Saviour and our Great Shepherd
~He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)

The hymn ‘Satisfied with Jesus’ by B.B. McKinney says it well: “I am satisfied with Jesus, but the question comes to me as I think of Calvary…is my Master satisfied with me?”

Disappointments in life ‘yes’, but take them all to Jesus.

~I was raised in church along with my 3 brothers
~Mom and Dad didn’t just ‘take us to church and leave us there’….they went themselves, to learn more about Jesus!
~I was saved and baptised in church at 12 yrs. of age.
~I met my wife of 56 yrs. in church while I was in the military, stationed in Colorado Springs (where she grew up).
~God called me to preach during our 1st year of marriage in our church in Hess, Ok.
~All of our children and grandchildren were saved in church.
(I had the privilege of baptising 4 of our 6 grandchildren)

When a small child saw the cross on a church steeple, he asked his Dad, “Who put that plus sign up there?” Jesus is our PLUS!

Jesus by His life, death and Resurrection fulfilled all of the promises in the Bible…and yes, He WILL come again!

A pastor was visiting a man who said, “I don’t believe in the church”. The pastor reached over and pulled a live coal out of the fireplace. They both watched the light and warmth of that coal fade and finally go out.

We need the warmth and life that a church family can give. Even now as we’re home-bound, La Moyne and I feel warmth from the love and prayers of churches we served…. as so many of the members keep in touch with us via e-mail, calls and letters.

A blind man was asked why he went to church and he replied…”So the world will know which side I am on!”

Remember…Let’s fall in love with Jesus and His church can help you STAY in love!

~You’ve got to know the Promisor (Jesus) AND His Promises (the Bible)
These did:
~Abraham (Romans 4:20-21 and James 2:23)
~Moses (I Kings 8:56)
~Paul (Acts 27:25)
~Many others in Hebrews (Chap. 13:5,8)

We MUST know and experience the following: (Matt. 28:18-20)
~God’s power has not diminished
~God’s program has not changed (Evangelism and Missions)
~God’s promises have not lessened
~God’s promises will never cease

So what is needed from us?
~The Prayer of Relinquishment…..
~Let go and let God have His way (Faith, Trust and Obey)

Make your experience with God personal.

Missionary Charles Tope and I were on the same plane from Oklahoma to Atlanta, Ga.
He was on his way to a Mission Board meeting in Richmond, Virginia and I was on my way to a Home Mission Board meeting in Atlanta.

We both de-planed in Atlanta where he was to make a connection on to Richmond. I checked in at the desk to verify my return flight a few days later. I did not have MY ticket ~ evidently our tickets got mixed up while we were seated on the plane.

They paged Charles and we were able to get our own tickets. Likewise our ‘Ticket to Heaven’ must be personal.

“Many things about tomorrow,
I don’t seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.”
(Lyrics and Composer: Ira Forest Stanphill)

May you have a great New Year by living a Christ-like life and by telling others about Jesus.

By Travis E. Wiginton

Travis pastored over 55 years – in Korea and in Hawaii, US. In 1951, at the first church he attended, Travis first saw the love of his life, LaMoyne, singing in the choir (although they grew up just 30 mins from each other) From the first day together, to their wedding, to the end of their days, they were inseparable. As a teen, LaMoyne too had felt God directing her to serve as a missionary, so the couple went to Korea in 1960; Travis studied Korean 7 hours daily. He enjoyed all sports. He passed away leaving a legacy of love and friendship.

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