Written by 2:18 pm Grandma's Own, Two to Mango

Healthy Garlic Soup

When the flu season is upon us, its a case of can’t cook, more than won’t cook. This recipe for roasted garlic broth is hardly even a propah recipe, but it’s the most soothing soup you can imagine for sick days. This nutritious soup is full of anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and gut-healing properties.

While simply simmering garlic in water will create a decent broth, toasting some of the garlic cloves in olive oil first helps to amplify their earthy-rich flavour.

Heat a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a large saucepan.

Add one whole head of peeled, cracked garlic cloves and cook, tossing them around until they are golden brown all over, about 5 minutes. Chop 1 large onion and sauté in the same pan. Add 3 cups of water and bring to a simmer. While the water is heating, grab a handful of fresh herbs such as parsley, cilantro, sage, or scallions and add them to the pot, along with one more head of garlic halved crosswise.

Boil on low flame until the garlic cloves become soft. Season with salt and lots of crushed black pepper.

You could add some chopped mushrooms, shredded chicken, pasta or shredded cabbage. Cook well for at least 20 minutes.

Strain the garlic and herbs out or just drink the soup with a slice of warm toast.

Two bowls of it and you’ll feel like a new person.

By Christ & Co. 

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