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It’s a good sign of spiritual advancement and maturity when we strive MORE to reach out to people than cry or press to be reached!

The disciples of Jesus Christ NEVER pressed on Him to heal, deliver, bless or even pray for them. Not once! But this was what they pursued, LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY…, IF THAT’S REALLY YOU, ASK ME TO COME TO YOU WALKING ON THE WATER…WHY COULDN’T WE CAST OUT THAT DEVIL? These incredible disciples wanted to be USED BY GOD! I love that!

Now, Jesus taught His disciples to LEARN from Him and DEPEND on the power of the Holy Spirit to make them ABLE ministers of HIS gospel (Acts 1:4-8)

Jesus never asked them to KEEP coming to be prayed for, delivered or REMAIN at the receiving end of His incredible ministry indefinitely.

Learn from your Pastor in order TO minister to people.

We must grow up spiritually and stop running around looking for our Pastor or people to pray for you unless we’re still babes in Christ. This is different from asking a fellow believer to stand in AGREEMENT with us in prayer according to Matthew 18:19,20.

Let’s mature in our trust in God and His Word and promises and then go out and start praying for the sick and afflicted, casting out devils, supporting the weak. As we became vessels in the hands of the Master, the Lord will bless, heal and deliver you as you extend this same ministry to other people in His name.

Whatever good anyone does, whatever sacrifice one makes for another, they will receive the same from the Lord (Ephesians 6:8)

Its good to have friends or others pray for us and with us. But lasting, wholesome success in our Christian life and especially in ministry, is a function and product of private, personal and intensive, REGULAR intercessions.

The lessons we learn in such personal struggles to fit into the total image of Christ are priceless lessons and benefits.

We become greatly blessed, tough and highly productive in life and ministry through the change we experience during persistent praying and FORCEFUL faith discipline and activities.

After Jesus Christ was anointed, He went ABOUT (went into action) doing GOOD and healing all that were oppressed by the Devil, for God’s favor and approval went with Him. Hallelujah! (Acts 10:38)

Stop waiting and looking for SOLUTIONS. You’re the SOLUTION God has anointed.

Get up and go out to those with problems, needs and burdens and God’s entire presence will go with you as He was with Jesus Christ.


By Apostle Steve Adonai

Steve is married and lives in Illinois, USA. He is the Founder/President of Global Stamina Inc-PUSH Worldwide. He has visited countless ministries and denominations in Nigeria, Ghana and the USA. He liaises with ministers to enhance the unity of the Church, emphasising on the urgency to get sinners saved, saints edified, trained and deployed as ministers who demonstrate signs, wonders and God’s miracles to this hungry, depraved and lost world that’s eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. His page on Facebook is

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