Written by 3:45 pm Snacks, Savouries

Homemade Pizza

Next time your kid craves pizza or a kid comes visiting, get them to help make these and let them pick their own toppings!

When we began to dream of pizza while living in an Indian village, I cooked this up. Follow the recipe strictly and you will get a fresh pizza which will taste better than store-bought ones.

Pizza base: Mix 500 gm plain flour, 100 ml olive/sunflower oil, 1 tbs sugar, 1 tsp salt, 10 gm yeast and 4tbs warm milk. Knead into a soft dough. If tight, drizzle warm milk drops or oil. Keep aside to rise, covered with a clean cloth.

Once the dough has risen, knead and roll out into 2 pizza rounds. Take the rounds and dust them with flour. Prick all over the top with a fork.

Make a paste of 1/2 cup tomato ketchup/tomato purée + 1 tsp oregano and apply on the rounds.

BAKE for 5 mins at 225 degrees.

Pizza topping: Chop 2 tomatoes, few button mushrooms, 1 large onion, 1 yellow pepper, 1 red pepper and 1 green pepper and top the pizza rounds with the veggies. You may use olives, or other meats if you prefer those.

Spread grated mozzarella cheese evenly all over the pizza.

Change setting of the oven to ‘Broil’.

Broil for 8 mins at 250 degrees. The mozzarella cheese will melt evenly and coat the veggies. Serve hot.

By Linda Joseph Kavalackal,
Christ & Co.

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