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Seeking intimacy with God?

Knowing these things will help you have true intimacy with the God of Heaven and earth that created and sustains you!


He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust (Psalm 91:1-2)

You need to know the principles of God’s Word, and it is important to memorise scriptures.

However, it doesn’t matter how many scriptures you can quote; if you don’t know the God of the Scriptures, you’re missing the point: There is a vast difference between merely knowing about God and actually KNOWING Him.

1. Philippians 3:8-14 2. Jeremiah 17:7-8 -3. Psalm 34:10.

Read these Scriptures and ask yourself, what comes from  intimacy with God?


God has a secret place where we can dwell in peace and safety. The secret place is a place of rest in God, a place of peace and comfort. This secret place is a “spiritual place” where worry vanishes and peace reigns.

Often we quote Psalm 91 in times of trouble, with faith in the promise of God’s protection (Ps. 91:3). However, having these words on a piece of paper, or memorised in our heads, is useless without obedience to what The Word says: dwelling in the secret place.

When your motivation for studying the Bible is so that you can “know” Him and not just to find some “secret formula,” then you will discover that your relationship with Him will put you in a position to have your every need met. God is the lover of our souls. He wants to take care of us.

He wants to protect us. He wants to do something in our lives!


You can have all the books, CDs and videos from every minister in the world, but the most important thing is that you have an intimate relationship with God. You must communicate with God. In other words, it’s time to get to know your Father.

When you come to know God in a personal, intimate way, you become confident in His goodness and mercy, and you become confident in His ability and His willingness to meet your needs. And that confidence is faith. Don’t stop short by merely acquiring knowledge about God and His Word. Take the next step and KNOW God.

Bring your mind under control

Even if you’ve decided to make time to spend alone with God, your mind can be racing in many directions. You can easily waste that precious time with God by letting your mind wander. When we set time aside for fellowship with God, we are entering into the richest experience of the Christian life.

When your mind is clear, begin to worship and pray, drawing yourself closer to Him.You were created for fellowship. This alone satisfies the desires of mankind and of God. That fellowship and deep working of the Spirit is richest when you are set apart from things that clutter your mind. Clear your mind of distractions that draw your attention away from God.

Let God call the shots 

Obedience to what God has called us to be is the key to all things. Without obedience, there will be no dwelling (or habitation) with God. And we cannot merely call on God when it is convenient for us. As God’s people, we must realise we don’t call the shots or make the plans…God does (but we have to allow Him to do so).

When God speaks to you personally, you’ll find that He’s interested in YOU. He wants to be a part of everything that’s going on in your life!

The truth is, it takes perseverance, patience, and consistency to develop an intimate walk with God. For most of us, it is very much a journey of faith in the early stages. However, you will experience a breakthrough in this area if you don’t grow weary in well doing.

Stay in the Word; stay constant in prayer. The day will come when the accumulated force of all your prayer and praise will propel you into an entirely new dimension in your relationship with God.

Have direct, intimate contact with God—every single day. It is so very worth it!

By Tonja K. Taylor 

Tonja K. Taylor is a delighted worshiper, happy wife and mother,  prolific author, teacher, and nature lover. She has been writing and teaching for over 30 years, to draw others to Christ and His loving wonders. She is a catalyst for positive change to all people to know the LORD Jesus is returning soon. The link to her You Tube “River Rain Creative Arts” channel is https://bit.ly/36VkvGP
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