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I went to hell

Kenneth E. Hagin’s stirring testimony of dying, going to hell, and being brought back to life to fulfil God’s plan for his life will make you sit up and pray – right away.

Although this is a testimony of how one man visited hell and returned to tell the story, it is more about the truth about heaven.

Hagin describes what life was like – as a bedridden teen with a sickly heart. He shares what he experienced when his heart stopped – how he left his body and how JESUS brought him back from the brink of going to hell for eternity. The experience opened his eyes to reality and transformed his life.

This is a true story of a man who grew up believing he was going to heaven because he belonged to a church and loved God. He soon found out that wasn’t enough to go to heaven.

He soon realised that if he didn’t accept Jesus as the Saviour and son of God he would never escape hell. It takes a personal relationship with Jesus to get to heaven. A very important message for people today who think there are so many ways to get to heaven.

Jesus says…”I am the way the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but by me” (John 14:6)

Nothing is impossible with God. God can even reach into the depths to save us. God’s love conquered the enemy. Salvation is found in only One. Jesus Christ.

If you don’t know Him as your Lord and Saviour, pray now:

Lord I believe that you were born, that you died and that you rose from the dead and are now alive. Please forgive me of all of my sins and come into my heart. Simple as that. You are now a new creature with a new heart! Now live a life pleasing to a God. Find a bible based, and bible believing church and serve God there! Read your bible and pray every day! Fast and seek God for deliverance of deep seated sin! Without Christ, all of us are damned to a burning hell forever. But God made a way of escape through his Son, Jesus. He took the burden of our sins upon himself at the cross! If we turn from our sins and believe in Him the Bible says we shall be saved!

A really good book to read if you are having any doubts about Hell being real or not. Since there is only one mediator between us and Hell, Jesus Christ is the answer to not go there. Hell is a terrible place. No God. No Light. No Love. No companionship of any kind. No relief of any kind, especially relief for pain.

If you think that you are going to be with friends, sure they may be there(?) but they won’t be there for your party! They will be going through all that you will be going through and there will be NO partying for anyone! Turn to Jesus while you can because, once you die, it is too late. Yes, at the Great Judgment Seat, you will bow your knee and “know” who Jesus is, but it will be too late for you. Now – today is the day of Salvation!! Jesus has his arms opened wide to receive you – anytime – anywhere! Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow is not a given!

The book really inspires people to take hell more seriously. This book is short, yet powerful. Just open the book and you won’t be able to close it – without reading it quickly to the end. And you will be amazed.

It is so refreshing to hear Kenneth’s story and to know other have had the same experience.

We pray that everybody will read this little power-packed book and give their lives to Christ. May people continue to check out the book and take it seriously to avoid going into eternal torment.

The book is riveting: don’t wait too late to make a decision to follow Jesus!

Rating: 9/10

By Christ & Co. 

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