Written by 6:36 am Amazine

Jesus’ Christmas tree

If Jesus had a Christmas tree,
Each limb would touch eternity
Its branches full of decoration
For each tribe and race and nation;

The names of each engraved upon
An ornament; cherished and known
And crafted into each, and hidden,
Specifics of His missing children;

Each one of their faces
In the farthest of places
Touched by our prayers,
They’ll want Jesus there.

His tree is lush and full and tall,
Living, big enough for all
And everywhere, the graceful light
And shepherd’s staffs, red and white;

Upon the top, a shining star,
Of Israel, jewel of God’s heart;
The symbol with six pointed sides,
Where the King will soon abide;

Streaming from the star above
Cascades of ribbon, crimson love,
Precisely perched, the tiny doves
Seem to sing of those He loves.

God loves His children, every one;
To rescue them, He sent His Son
He sent LORD Jesus to redeem
His children, to restore their dream;

Through His ears we hear them sigh,
Through His eyes we see them cry,
They struggle to survive and cope,
But Jesus is their blessed hope.

For on that ancient Christmas tree–
The tree for all humanity–
He reached throughout eternity
To return them to His family;

To live life more abundantly
In power, peace, and wholly free.
And now He’s made His wishes known:
For us to bring His children home.

It’s up to you and up to me
To help Him with His Christmas tree.

By Tonja K. Taylor 

Tonja K. Taylor is a delighted worshiper, happy wife and mother,  prolific author, teacher, and nature lover. She has been writing and teaching for over 30 years, to draw others to Christ and His loving wonders. She is a catalyst for positive change to all people to know the LORD Jesus is returning soon. The link to her You Tube “River Rain Creative Arts” channel is https://bit.ly/36VkvGP


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