Written by 6:20 pm In the News

Lava topples Spanish church

A church on the Spanish island of La Palma has crumbled under the crushing lava flows from the Cumbre Vieja volcano that erupted a week ago.

Footage of the dramatic moment shows smoke billowing towards the bell tower before the entire church comes crumbling down to the ground.

Emergency crews pulled back from the volcano as explosions sent molten rock and ash over a wide area.

The Canary Islands Volcanology Institute said another vent opened early on Saturday.

Rivers of lava have been sliding down the mountainside toward the southwestern coast of the island, destroying everything in their path, including 420 buildings. The lava covers an area of 190 hectares, according to the latest data from Copernicus.

Experts predict the cost of the destruction will amount to €400 million.


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