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Luminous Radio – online

Luminous Radio aims to evangelise by bringing you the Word of God in English and in four Indian languages – Malayalam, Hindi, Urdu and Tamil.

It’s the first online Catholic radio in Malayalam and the first multilingual Catholic radio in India.

It is a non-profit lay apostolate and is purely listener-supported.  The channel’s purpose is to share the teachings and traditions of the Catholic faith through a radio ministry. A casual click on the Luminous Radio link could take you a step closer to the Christian faith we hold dear.

The ministry was commissioned by His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Soosa Pakiam M., Archbishop of Trivandrum, on Dec. 25, 2011. Today Luminous Radio has more than 1,20,000 unique listeners every month, spread across 120 countries.

Luminous Radio is the official media partner of Vatican Media and covers all major papal events LIVE – these include the weekly papal general audience and Sunday’s noon Angelus from the Vatican.

Other features are Daily Mass, Daily Gospel Reflections and a yearly trip to Medjugorje.

The audio stream is also shared on all major audio/video streaming platforms such as SoundCloud , Youtube and available as a Podcast on social media (#luminousradio on Twitter, Instagram)

You may visit Luminous Radio online too –  www.luminousradio.com or download Luminous Radio apps – iPhone and Android versions are available.

Compelling Christian media that inspires and encourages you to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus!

Rating: 8/10

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