Written by 9:35 am Desserts

Mamma’s German Lemon Cake

We love anything lemony. What better recipe to brush up on, than a lovely, featherlight German Lemon Cake?

This cake recipe is my grandmother’s and I have baked it for years. So that makes this recipe definitely more than 55 years old!

Whip 4 eggs together with 250 gm sugar until foamy. Add the grated zest of 1 lemon, 125 gm flour, 125 gm corn flour and 2 tsp baking powder and mix well.

Melt 250 gm of butter and add to the batter (butter should be warm)

Bake at 175-180 degrees for 60 minutes.

Before icing, drizzle the juice of 1 lemon over the cake.

For icing: Mix 250 gm icing sugar with the juice of 1 lemon. Ice the cake with this. Or you may layer the cake with lemon-favoured butter icing too. Or with lemon curd.

By Birgitt Hardtke

Birgitt taught German, history, politics, geography and art at school, for 40 years. She lives in Stadthagen, Germany, loving her family, friends and her cat Tommy. She started baking as a child and taught her kids to bake when they were six, but she hates cooking dishes that take longer than 30 minutes. She likes to ride her bicycle, drive, knit, paint, watch Formula 1, biathlons and chat with her sister. She’s interested in psychology and loved being a teacher. She doesn’t like crime stories and dislikes people who talk bad about others.

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