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Revival preacher R.W. Schambach has seen the Lord move in amazing and powerful ways for 50 years.

In this brilliant book, he shares story after story of God’s miraculous healing, provision, and guidance for His children. You’ll be encouraged by how God moves in power today.

Miracles could be called a history book of sorts. It is a history book of the amazing work of God through R.W. Schambach’s ministry for more than fifty years.

This powerful book of miracle testimonies will set your faith on fire!

Brother Schambach is a powerful storyteller, and you will feel as if you were really there with him. These miracle stories are vivid and alive. Also included is a faith-building section entitled The Miracles of Christ.

You will read testimonies of a man saved within minutes before being executed in prison – thanks to his praying mother who approached Schambach, how seventeen deaf mutes are healed and of homes, people, a marriage being healed.

Read these exciting, true stories of Gods miracle power in action – your faith will be strengthened and your spirit encouraged.

You will know that you believe in a God Who is bigger than any situation or circumstances you face.You will share in the excitement of an eyewitness view of Gods power at work.

Blessings from the Lord – the author and this book.

Rating: 8/10

Christ & Co.

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