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Miracles from Heaven

Have some tissues handy. You may find it hard to hold back the tears during various bits in this real-life tale. A touching and powerful film based on a true story.

Miracles from Heaven is a compelling tale about love and often-struggling faith. When her daughter is diagnosed with a terminal illness, devout mom Christy suffers a crisis of faith.

Ten-year-old Anna Beam (Kylie Rogers) lives with a rare, incurable disorder that leaves her unable to digest food. Despite the dire diagnosis, devoted mom Christy (Jennifer Garner) relentlessly searches for a way to save her beloved daughter.

The daughter suffers and her mother struggles to make sense of it all, to pray. Everything changes in an instant when Anna tells an amazing story of a visit to heaven after surviving a headlong tumble into a tree. Her family and doctors become even more baffled when the young girl begins to show signs of recovering from her fatal condition.

With the help of her mother Christy, she begins to heal miraculously that surprises her family and the medical specialists.

We care for the girl’s suffering, the mother’s struggle, and hope all the medical science available to the doctor is enough, even though we know a miracle from heaven is directly around the corner. The script is simple, not melodramatic, but restrained.

“That’s alright, mom Not everyone is gonna believe. And that’s OK. They’ll get there when they get there”, little Anna’s quote sums up life.

Besides being a strong testimony to Christian faith and grit, Miracles from Heaven makes the most out of an outstanding performance from Jennifer Garner. The kind of film that will affirm the faith of believers yet even non-churchgoers will find much to love here.

Powerful, emotionally satisfying and uplifting – you’ll end this movie with a smile on your face and a belief in the true reality of daily miracles from heaven.

A family watch. Available on Netflix.

Rating 8/10

By Christ & Co.

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