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Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 1

Another Holy Week has ended.

Revival happens through you, but in you first. What has changed in you? Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to finally access and heal the ‘stony parts’ of your heart?

It is extremely difficult to stay in obedience to Christ, walk the narrow road, keep going when all you want is rest and push forward when the trials are non stop.

You and I need to repent daily, let the Holy Spirit in for a heart wash and return to the roots – time and intimacy with Jesus. If the roots are fine, it will show in the fruits.

Another Resurrection Sunday has come and gone; let His grace not be wasted. Experience the glory of heaven while on earth.

Why wait? Revolt against spiritual apathy in yourself and ignite the world you live in with Jesus’ love and healing.

Easter people should be transformed people.

Don’t settle. Don’t be people deceived by religion and religious legalism. Be a church that’s more concerned about living out His love than just merely filling a building.

The biggest spiritual test you can ever face is your own life.

#WalkTheWalk #JesusPeople

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