Written by 7:43 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 10

Problems are a part of every day; chances are that they will hit us during all the seasons of our lives…some big problems, some small.

But problems also have the potential to turn into our greatest opportunities for growth. Some miracles even begin as problems.

All you need to do is – take your position of worship and remain strong in Christ until your breakthrough comes.

Unless we keep strong faith in God, when storms hit, our peace is stolen. The enemy injects “what ifs” into our heads and we imagine the worst possible outcomes to every crisis.

Stop and realise what’s going on: The enemy is trying to keep us from going forward in our godly walk.

God moves on our behalf when we focus on Him instead of on our fears.

Have blind trust in Christ’s unconditional love for you; realise that He will always take care of everything that concerns you. There is no fear in love (1 John 4:18)

Our battles do not belong to us, but to God anyway.

#ChristFightsForMe #HeIsAble

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