Written by 2:54 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 15

Life is always going to throw us some curve balls. It seems like when one problem ends, another hits. But maybe, we don’t need less problems, but more strength.

We don’t need less opposition, but more character to deal with what we already have. With faith in Jesus, honesty, integrity and class.

We want to be victorious, but how can we not want to have anything to have victory over?

The Bible teaches us that we are more than conquerors through Christ. And we want to be conquerors, so don’t sit like we want to conquer nothing.

Time to pray for your spiritual labour to start? Be tired of the namby pamby baby you have become and grow in Him.

Lord, when facing a challenge, let me be a committed heart that searches for a solution; not an undecided heart that searches for an escape…Amen.

#LetGoAndLetGod #StepForward

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