Written by 4:19 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 24

Ask and you shall receive. How many of us truly ask?

Most of our prayers are like a roll call: Lord, thank you for…please bless…people who know us can sometimes guess how our public prayers might go.

While those prayers are precious and the Lord does listen to each silent and vocal prayer that goes up frpm His children, we could still pray more, pray better.

Don’t say a prayer, truly pray it.

Spiritual warfare. Lives today seem filled with combat zones. At home, at work, in church, in the community and even in the nation.

The enemy does not flinch when you try to fight people, situations on your own. But when a Christian humbly stands up to do warfare the biblical way, satan is terrified. That’s when his plots against us, our homes, our ministries, our careers, our children, our marriages, each area of our lives – is cancelled by the Blood of Jesus. When you stand your ground, in CHRIST’s name and strength.

Make sure the first place you engage in vigorous combat is in the heavenly realm – in praise, worship and using the Word.

Do it in secret for people you do not even know that well. The harvest is plenty and the workers are few.

Participate in their future, their eternity. Pray for their provision, their rescue, their exact needs, their crises.

Take your pleas to God. Craft specific, personalised prayer strategies for the people and the situations that you face. Keep seeking God for their needs. Then see the atmosphere get supercharged by the Holy Spirit.

#JesusIsKing #IServeJesusAlone

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