Written by 2:59 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 26

Just when you thought things would get better, they seem to have gotten worse. Lost an income, got rejected, relationship has ended, a loved one has died and you have that final NO from heaven for a much-prayed over dream, plan.

Have you ever stopped and thought what’s happened has happened to get you back on the RIGHT TRACK WITH GOD?

It is easy to say God can turn tests into testimonies. But we have to GO THROUGH the tests first. Get back into that prayer closet. Sometimes, we have to be shut in completely, to really seek God. It worked once, it will work always.

Cut out that noise, switch off that phone, stop scrolling through social media, save entertainment for another hour later. Jesus was so much sought after, HE always made quiet time to pray.

The more you worship, the more you hear from God. And HEARING from God is the need of the hour.

You cannot spend hours with God and come back empty-handed!

#SeekHimLikeYouMeanIt #Hallelujah

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