Written by 5:40 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – April 5

Another Lent (Leave Every Negative Thing) is over. And we are back to real life.

One of the hardest things to do as a believer is to continue to believe. That ALL things, not just the good things, but the good and the bad – both, work together for good for those that trust in the Lord (Rom 8:28) That God is a good God who keeps ALL of His promises even when we are buffeted by crises, wounded by people or when our emotions are haywire. The next time doubt hits, remember how GOD has always come through for you in the past and encourage yourself in Him.

Continue to worship the Son of God who loved us all the way to the cross – in words and in deeds, not just for a season. Roll back the stone that will keep you back from your own resurrection life.

Keep your face always focused toward His sunshine – and the shadows will fall behind you.

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