Written by 6:20 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Aug 22

There is incredible power in overcoming what was sent to destroy you.

It can be death, relationship battles, glitches at work, financial crunches, people problems, health issues. In this world there will be tribulation. Probably the last minute of your life too, you will face a battle. But we can be of good cheer because JESUS has overcome the world.

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. He will keep shooting arrows to pull you down. But we have a Saviour who defeated him.

Jesus is completing His work in you. HELP Him do it well.

Work with Him to condition your mind to obey the Word, re-programme your thoughts, your behaviour and in turn, your destiny.

The Lord who called us is faithful. Face your problems in His strength and overcome them; when you do, you’ll find that they will give you the strength and wisdom you need for the next battle.

Turn that battle into a blessing. THAT will inspire many who will walk the same path you are walking later.

All of us face obstacles, but on the other side is strength.

#VictoryInJesus #NoTurningBack

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